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PAWZETTE - Passionate about Websites


 Welcome to the PAWZETTE!

The PAWZETTE is part of a cross-marketing campaign for both paying website clients and non-paying website clients of Passionate about Websites.

Paying clients may advertise for free, while non-paying website clients may advertise at a nominal annual fee.

The PAWZETTE is printed and shipped with a goody box to our website clients. The goody box contains marketing materials & sample from our paying clients, as well as the printed version of the PAWZETTE. After shipment, the PAWZETTE will also become available for download to any visitors visiting our website.

The current PAWZETTE we are working on is issue 2024-01, and the closing date for advertisements to be emailed to us is 29 November 2024. We will ship our goody boxes in the first week of December 2024, earlier if possible.


Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
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