Web Analytics Made Easy -
Barter - Passionate about Websites


We sometimes barter with clients on a Rand-for-Rand basis – your products and services in exchange for website services. However, we have learnt from experience that very few barter clients stick to our 0% cash/100% barter deals as [we think] they see a barter deal as a freebie. A barter deal is not a free deal. When asked for services when we need it, they simply do not respond, or if they initially provided services they simply stop after a while. We thus done away with 0% cash barters, and now require a cash payment of 10% to 50% (we will decide about that percentage) or R25, on recurring fees. By default, setup fees are always payable in full but we may include part of it as a barter deal but with a cash component at minimum of R250 or 50%, whichever is the greater amount.

All barter clients in future thus will have two accounts with us, a cash account and a barter account, and each with its own invoicing, payments, and balances. The cash component is paid using payfast – our only means of accepting cash component payments, and the barter account is paid using counter invoices for products delivered, or services rendered.

The barter account is used to build up a balance until there is enough “money” to cover at least 50% for you to render a service to us, then you render service, and the balance then swings the other way around until we break even again – after that the process repeats itself. Credit limits will be put in place for both parties to be protected. If you can do any of the following and in need of a proper running and maintained website on your own domain, we will be happy to do a website for you and maintain that each month. Full e-commerce solutions is a possibility if our product or service warrants it.

Please complete the below form if you have products or services we may need or use on a continuous basis, and if you require a website.

Current Priorities:

  • Very diverse handy-man group or building contractors that can render ALL maintenance services on buildings: Roof sealing, painting (roof, outer, inner, trimmings including window and door frames, gutters, etc.), gutter replacement, welding, gate replacement, boundary walling, gates, security gates, paving, internal flooring. Plumbing and electricity also. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends. This is our biggest priority now.
  • Proper, registered gardening services, someone that does lawns, trims edges, remove weeds, using own tools, AND drive all this refuse away with their own vehicle. On occasion trim some trees also. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends.
  • Jojos. To serve as backup. Erected and connected. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends.
  • Zozos. Erected. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends.
  • Car Ports. Professionally done. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends.
  • Foods, medicines that can be couriers or delivered to us or collected if within easy reach – tell us what you have, how it will work, and we will consider doing a website for you in exchange. We love dry wors, dry wors, and dry wors.
  • Dog food and veterinary services, within easy reach from the South of Johannesburg – tell us what you have, how it will work, and we will consider doing a website for you in exchange.
  • Hair salons, massage services, physiotherapists, chiropractors, within easy reach from the South of Johannesburg – tell us what you have, how it will work, and we will consider doing a website for you in exchange.
  • Elementary solar solutions – small and portable and enough to run the basics initially, to be upgraded later. Area: South of Johannesburg, Robertsham/Ridgeway. Only available access is over weekends.
  • Car tires, car services (Ford), car maintenance, auto electrician. Anywhere around Johannesburg, preferably in the south or also around Randburg.
  • Any other services that you think a business may benefit from, or a family living in Johannesburg can benefit from, get in touch with us. We will look at all we could benefit from and consider your suggestions.

    Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
    Special Offer
    We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
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