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WOO-Thank You - E-Mail Only - Passionate about Websites

WOO-Thank You – E-Mail Only

Thank you so much for doing business with us. We received your order and will get your account ready as soon as possible. This will include:

  • Registering or transferring your domain as requested.
  • Setting up your domain  account once domain is ready to be worked on.
  • Provide you with the information for your first five accounts – remember we only configure five accounts per day.


Please complete the below form so we can start work on your first five accounts once your domain is ready:

    By default, all new domains are allowed five e-mail accounts (more can be added at a small fee). You have the choice between forwarding, POP, and IMAP – we recommend usage in that order.
    For the sake of space, we do recommend forwarding to e.g. a GMAIL account. Remember that your space on the server is not only used for your web but also your e-mail. Alternatively, use POP where you download mail to a local device. You mail also use IMAP where mail is stored in your space and may be accessed by different devices.
    Please complete below table and send back to us – you don’t have to use all 5 e-mail accounts right away if you do not need that.
    Choose Forwarding If…
    • You already have sufficient space for mail e.g. Gmail account.
    • You have limited server storage.
    Choose POP If…
    • You want to access your mail from only one single device.
    • You need constant access to your email, regardless of internet availability.
    • You have limited server storage.
    Choose IMAP If…
    • You want to access your email from multiple different devices.
    • You have a reliable and constant internet connection.
    • You want to receive a quick overview of new emails or emails on the server.
    • Your local storage space is limited.
    • You are worried about backing your emails up.

    Please note that webmaster@yourdomain and admin@yourdomain is reserved for admin purposes and use by Passionate about Websites.

    FORWARDING TO GMAIL (We recommend this method)

    @yournewdomain forward to (e.g. yourname@gmail.com)

    @yournewdomain forward to (e.g. yourname@gmail.com)

    @yournewdomain forward to (e.g. yourname@gmail.com)

    @yournewdomain forward to (e.g. yourname@gmail.com)

    @yournewdomain forward to (e.g. yourname@gmail.com)

    POP/IMAP (Alternative to forwarding - you may use a combination of both if you prefer)



    Should we have any questions we will be in touch.

    Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
    We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
    This is default text for notification bar

    Visit SA Corona Virus Site for updated information