Web Analytics Made Easy -
Referral Program - Passionate about Websites

Referral Program

Please note that the content below only applies to clients of Passionate about Websites who are registered referrers. If you wish to become a Lead Generator please see THIS POST.

Clients of Passionate about Websites who opt-in to participate in the client referral program may use the below ads to link to their Website Development pages. Prospects contact you directly and you refer them to us – upon successful conversion, you will earn up to 30% of their monthly fees paid to Passionate about Websites.

Your Website Development page usually will have the address of https://yourdomain/website-development/ but you may double-check from the services menu on your site, for example, https://passionateaboutwebsites.co.za/website-development. You may also link to your main website, telephone number, or e-mail address if you prefer.

Approved Advertisements – please submit ads for approval if you wish:

All ads were designed by NB Design & Print.

120px X 120px

250px X 300px

468px X 60px

For Facebook posts:


Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
This is default text for notification bar

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