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Sales Force Resources - Passionate about Websites

Sales Force Resources

Sales Force Resources

Lead Generator MS Excel Template

  • One of the items you will need as lead Generator is our MS Excel template to feed your leads into.
    We need the spreadsheet in the format we provided. It is because we simply copy and paste it into our mail merge database and run it with pre-compiled templates for potential clients. Additional columns just won’t work.
  • Our first choice of contact is e-mail. Concentrate on finding email addresses.
  • Our second choice of contact is a cell number for SMS – we NEVER do phone calls. Please exclude the leading zero from cell numbers as our spreadsheet will format it to the correct format required by our SMS software. Also, only ONE number. Additional numbers will cause our software not to recognize any of the numbers, leading to a wasted number.



Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
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