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2023 Rates - Passionate about Websites

2023 Rates

The basic pricing structure for 2023 will be as follows: (sometimes we do not get to update our rates page before the new year kicks in – if this is the case please email is for the most current rates at webmaster@passionateaboutwebsites.co.za.

Design & Hosting

Setup Fees

Item Initial Setup Fee (ISF) ISF Hours Additional Hour Rate While Under Development (AHRWUD)
E-Mail ONLY (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) R99.00 N/A N/A
Hosting ONLY (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) R99.00 N/A N/A
PAW Basic Site No E-commerce *R499.00 10 R45.00
PAW Basic E-commerce Site *R999.00 20 R100.00
SRO Advanced E-Commerce Site R2 499.00 20 R125.00
*  To make it easier for clients to obtain a website we allow clients of PAW to pay their Setup Fees over one (R499), two (R250 X 2 or R500 X 2), or five (R100 X 5 or R200 X 5) months.

Monthly Setup Fees Until Complete

Item Monthly SF Until Complete (MSFUC) MSFUC Hours
E-Mail ONLY (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) Standard Rates Apply Standard Rates Apply
Hosting ONLY (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) Standard Rates Apply Standard Rates Apply
PAW Basic Site No E-commerce Standard Rates Apply Standard Rates Apply
PAW Basic E-commerce Site Standard Rates Apply Standard Rates Apply
SRO Advanced E-Commerce Site R1 249.00 10

Monthly Fees

Item Monthly Fees Space Allowed before extra is charged Monthly Fee per additional 1GB Space
E-Mail ONLY (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) R45.00 1GB R22.00
Hosting ONLY R45.00 1GB R22.00
PAW Basic Site No E-commerce R189.00 1GB R22.00
PAW Basic E-commerce Site R249.00 2GB R39.00
E-Commerce Buffer-the-Blow Accounts  (These are e-commerce accounts where we have done away with discounts for participating in the Banner Ad Program. To ease transitions we agreed to give these clients a discount over four years until they are back on normal prices.) R219.00 (2022 rate was R190) 2GB R39.00
SRO Advanced E-Commerce Site R249.00 2GB R39.00

Annual Fees

Item Monthly Fees Annual (Save two months fees)
E-Mail ONLY R45.00 R450.00
Hosting ONLY R45.00 R450.00
PAW Basic Site No E-commerce R189.00 R1890.00
PAW Basic E-commerce Site R249.00 R2490.00
E-Commerce Buffer-the-Blow Accounts  (These are e-commerce accounts where we have done away with discounts for participating in the Banner Ad Program. To ease transitions we agreed to give these clients a discount over four years until they are back on normal prices.) R219.00 (2022 rate was R190) R2190.00
SRO Advanced E-Commerce Site R249.00 R2490.00

Standard Hourly Rates

Hourly Rate Once Site opened and completed (All Sites) R150.00


Discounts – A maximum of ONE discount type per account allowed
Pensioners (60+) 15%
Retrenched persons (proof to be submitted and retrenched less than six months ago when applying) 20%
Selected NPOs (severely disabled persons only) 25%


Hosting Only

We give you CPanel access and you do the rest. Packages in one GB increments at R45 per initial GB (R22 per additional GB). A Setup Fee of R99 is payable. This pricing applies to .co.za domains only. Different pricing applies to domains other than .co.za.

E-Mail Accounts Only

Unfortunately, you will need a domain for your own e-mail account.

The costs are as follow:

  1. Domain (.co.za – other domains available at different pricing) at R10 per month, plus
  2. R35 per GB used. You can save money by forwarding to a Gmail account but you will still need space to send email as your email accounts.
  3. Thus the minimum cost will come to R45 per month for a .co.za. domain email account/s.
  4. A Setup Fee of R99 is payable.
  5. Monthly payments are synced to the 1st of each month.

General terms:

  1. Unlimited e-mail accounts – either forwarding or POP/IMAP OR forwarding to Gmail accounts – you pay per GB used.
  2. The default size we set email accounts up is 250MB. We will increase sizes to 500MB, 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, etc on request.
  3. No website services included – your domain will simply be forwarded to the main website of Passionate about Websites or one of our affiliate websites, as we feel, could be appropriate. To forward to a site not affiliated with Passionate about Websites an additional fee of R50 per month will become payable. To not forward the domain and have an “Under Construction” page set up with details of your business (or no details if you prefer) an additional fee of R100 per month will become available.
  4. No spamming allowed: Your account will be immediately terminated if any complaints are received.
  5. The only method of payment we accept is via PayFast. You will checkout online. The anniversary of the automatic payments will be on the 1st day of each month for monthly payments and on the 1st of January for annual payments. Initial payments will be pro-rated with setup fees.
  6. A maximum of five accounts will be configured per day – either SMTP/IMAP or forwarding.
  7. If you wish we could upgrade your account to include website services.

We reserve the right to amend these prices at any time.

Please note our new pricing structure for 2025.
We now can take TWO more website/s in for the remainder of this month.
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